Muti to receive 2024 recognition as “Benemerito della Lingua Italiana” for his contribution to the spread of the Italian language in the world by Accademia della Crusca, one of the leading institutions in the field of research on the Italian language.
The information comes from the official website of the Florence-based Accademia itself, publishing an article of its President, Paolo D’Achille who, “drawing on this and various other insights from history and current events, proposes a reflection on the Italian of music.”
“Benemerito della Lingua Italiana” is a recognition that the Academy grants to those who have contributed to the dissemination and knowledge of Italian without being linguists. The award to Muti was decided by the academic board of the “Crusca” during their meeting on April 29th, 2024, unanimously voting on the proposal put forward by academicians Ilaria Bonomi, Rita Librandi, and Claudio Marazzini.
“As stated in the reasons for this recognition” D’Achille reports in his statement, Maestro Muti “has demonstrated and promoted the Italian language in his role of conductor of some of the most prestigious international orchestras […] and through his tireless work in teaching and giving value to young people.” Muti “has also worked directly on our language, urging singers in rehearsals […] to have clear and correct diction and all performers […] to respect the meaning of the text set to music, as enshrined in its centuries-old and still vibrant linguistic tradition, and demanding that for opera performances the original libretto is strictly adhered to, without applying inappropriate innovations.”
“We await with great excitement the day when the maestro will come to the Crusca to receive the award”, D’Achille further writes.
Ansa, May 13 2024